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Purcellville, VA
105 East Main St



Where Does Handmade Custom Jewelry fit into Jewelry Trends?

Here’s the short answer: everywhere.  Yes, by definition, trends come and go, they are ephemeral and hard to predict.  Some last a season and some a decade.  But some things never go out of style and handmade custom jewelry is one of them.  I’ve started a series here on the blog about some trends we are seeing in color, like The Return of Yellow Gold, but I wanted to take a moment and clarify my thoughts on trends in general.

And here is the crux of the matter: Fine handmade custom jewelry, like what we make at Hunt Country, is simply too much of an investment for us, or you, to worry too much about what’s ‘on trend’.  And when I say investment, I do mean financially.  Unless you have an unlimited disposable income (which, let’s be real, very few of us are lucky enough to have) a piece of fine jewelry is something you usually plan for, save for, dream about.  It is not something you can just do because So-and-So wore one of the red carpet last night.

But even more than financially, the jewelry we make here at Hunt Country Jewelers is too much of an emotional investment to worry about it being on trend or not.  We build jewelry that holds memories; that celebrates milestones and people and love.  Jewelry that is built to be passed down to your children and their children.  The ring that has your grandmother’s and mother’s diamonds in it is always in style and it’s always perfectly on trend because it was built with care and skill by us for you so you can always hold those memories and the warmth of their love close.  The combination of the love we have for what we do and the love you have when you wear it makes these pieces special.  Specialer than trends.  So you may see more yellow gold in magazines this year- and that’s great!- but it means absolutely nothing about your platinum pendant, as long as you love it.  Because that’s what really never goes out of style: LOVE.  So when your jewelry was made with love to celebrate love, you don’t have to worry about trends.