Custom Jewelry, Handmade, Original Designs by The Cutshalls

Hey there! We’re The Cutshalls and we are the multi generational family behind Hunt Country Jewelers and the creators of custom handmade jewelry. I thought I’d take a moment to introduce ourselves for all our new readers, followers, and fans- thank for stopping by!
Ed Cutshall; Founder, President, International Award Winning Designer, Master Metalsmith, Lapidary, GIA GG, Chemist, and General Encylopedia of All Things Jewelry.
If you have been a friend of Hunt Country since the Hillsboro Days (or the Great Falls Days!), you know Ed; he is our creative tour de force, our engineering mastermind, and our rock of knowledge and skill. Ed is rarely in the Purcellville store; he is busy at the bench in his workshop creating custom handmade jewelry, cutting gemstones, refining gold, casting, carving, and innovating. He does make rare appearances at our events, like The Jewelry Detective, so if you’d like a chance to chat with the master keep an eye out for our in store events and be sure to make your RSVP!
Claire Cutshall; Founder, Lapidary, Appraiser, and Mama Matriarch
If Ed is our Rock, Claire is the wind in our sails. Out front with customers for almost 40 years now, Claire has seen everything. She is a wealth of gemstone and jewelry knowledge and she has led us from Great Falls to Hillsboro to Purcellville with her management of the showroom, her astounding knack for remembering which ring went to which client and for what occasion (seriously, she remembers almost every piece we’ve ever made!), and her precision cut gemstones (she’s up to a few thousand gemstones- she’s just getting started!). Ed and Claire’s talents at the bench and the lapidary wheel compliment each other so well and together they achieve the unique heirloom jewelry that is our focus!
Logan Cutshall; Second Generation, Metalsmith, Lapidary, GIA GG, Designer, Gemstone Rough Importer, Gem Photographer, and Jewelry Lighting Expert
Logan has been working at Ed’s knee since he was a small child. He started creating his own work in his teens and went on the earn degrees in both geology and gemology. Logan still learns from Ed, working next to his father in the shop most days carving, refining, casting, setting. When he’s not in the shop creating for Hunt Country, he is often working with parcels of gemstone rough that he imports from all over the world and working with other lapidaries to get more precision cut gemstones to market. He is not often in the Purcellville store, but he can be persuaded to visit with cookies.
Carolyn Cutshall; The Daughter in Law, erstwhile actor and stuntwoman, marketer, and Decoration Diva
Carolyn found her home in more ways than one when she married Logan and joined The Cutshalls, both in name and in the shop. Carolyn is often found in the Purcellville store working with clients on original designs, or building crazy things out of chicken wire for our front window displays. She is the voice of our social media, and the engineer of our events. Not officially trained in anything jewelry related, Carolyn spent/spends a lot of time listening and asking questions to better serve Hunt Country clients!
Rosemary Blanding; Repair Organizer and Post Office Expert
Rosie has been with Hunt Country for almost 3 years now and she can’t ever leave because she keeps track of all our repairs and knows all of our local Post Office workers personally at this point and we don’t ever want to have to do it without her again!
Meredith Wilson; our very own Mary Poppins
Meredith is the newest member of our team and everywhere she goes things magically pop into place behind her, so we’ve put her on the photography, website, and front of house team to keep us up to date and on schedule!

We love visitors, so stop in the store for chat and a gander at the sparklies!