Let's Talk Birthstones!
At Hunt Country Jewelers, we LOVE colored gemstones. And birthstones are the most well-known, symbolic gemstones on the block. Birthstone jewelry can make the perfect gift or special piece just for you. But have you ever wondered how each month got its own rock assignment? To understand why birthstones hold such deep-rooted symbolism, it’s helpful to delve into its ancient origins.
The origin of birthstones – like many century-old customs – comes from the Bible. According to interpretations from the Book of Exodus, a breast-plate worn by Aaron, the High Priest of the Isrealites, was decorated with twelve stones which were said to signify the tribes of Israel, the twelve months of the year, and the twelve signs of the zodiac. Historians have argued about the exact stones set in the breastplate and their significance has taken on new meanings over time, but a standardized list of traditional birthstones remains. Today, modern gem societies manage the most official lists of birthstones; AGTA, The American Gem Trade Association has added spinel and tanzanite to the register in recent years.
What is My Birthstone?
Everyone has a birthstone assigned to their birth month. However, some months have multiple birthstones – the reason is not entirely clear. We have a few suspicions, though. One is that the variety exists because some gemstones are more rare and costly, making it practical to have alternative options. This way, people can still enjoy jewelry with their birthstone without breaking the bank. Another reason why multiple birthstones exist for different months is so that people have the option to choose between faceted or cabochon gems.
What's the difference between faceted and cabochon?
Great question! We could write a whole blog about it. Basically, facets are polished surfaces that give a gemstone its geometric shape (think emerald cut, pear-shaped, etc.). When a gemstone is described as faceted, it means it has multiple flat, polished faces arranged, or cut, in precise geometric patterns. In contrast, a cabochon is a gemstone that has been shaped and polished into a smooth, rounded form – no faces, no facets.
Let Me See Those Birthstones Already!
Okay, okay! Below is a list of birthstones by month, according to the American Gem Society and confirmed by our experts here at Hunt Country. Can you tell which ones are faceted and which ones are cabochon? (Hint: some of examples these are not polished at all – we call these rough stones and they will eventually be either faceted or cabbed).

What Does My Birthstone Symbolize?
We often say that each piece of custom jewelry we make at Hunt Country represents a reflection of personal stories or values. Gemstones can carry rich symbolism and personal significance. Many people believe that each birthstone can bring luck, or health, or other special properties. Some people even believe that each day of the week is associated with a particular gemstone! As Logan says: “different things work for different people, and if it works for you, great!”
What we we do know is: we want to help you find or design the perfect piece of jewelry that means the most to you. Our Build Your Own selection allows you to select a Hunt Country original piece and personalize it just for you. Choose your design, metal color, and, crucially, your gemstone color. Gemstones, particularly birthstones, make for the most special gifts – perfect for birthdays, Mother’s Day, Bridesmaids gifts, anniversaries, engagement rings, or some extra luck just for you. Enjoy your beautiful and symbolic birthstone in a way that brings you joy and you can never go wrong!